Re: To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog

Throughout his interview, Perillo makes a lot of points many can relate to. In particular, his points about getting noticed and his advice to aspiring artists. He started by post fan-art to various sites, and then he was noticed by a larger company. It's definitely a once in a lifetime chance that was smart to be taken. Many people don't recognize chances for careers when they see them. Most importantly, though, is when he advises aspiring artists to develop their own style and be unique. This is definitely one of the hardest things to do as an artist. It seems as if almost everything has been done, so it seems impossible to create something new. This is where things such as the notorious writer's block come to be. I think one of the best ways to be unique is to see what works and build upon it. Once you build upon it, try to change things up a bit and see what works.


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